Sunday, September 19, 2010

Previously on Ellerslie...

Well, it's been a while since we've updated! So much has happened! Let me try and give a brief overview of everything that has happened since the last post which was, what, TWO MONTHS ago!!!

So, we came up with a design. We worked very hard on it. We survived on lack of sleep. We made a model, complete with plants and every good thing. We showed it to Penny. She liked it. We showed it to Ian, another of our lecturers, who took a long time to say that he didn't like it. And fair enough, it was a little bit boring for an exhibition garden.

Nevertheless, it felt as though all our hopes and dreams came crashing down. But we rallied! We worked harder! We laughed, we cried, we had fights, and finally we came up with ANOTHER design! We made another model, even more spectacular than the last! We had fantastic ideas behind our garden, all about order and chaos! It was brilliant! We felt joy at the sight of it! We showed it to Penny, who also liked it! There was no limit to our happiness!

Then we showed it to Ian, who still didn't like it.

Well, we were a tad bit depressed, to say the least. All our motivation floated away... we began to hate Ellerslie, and referred to it as the "E word". We tried to ignore it in an attempt to save our sanity, which didn't really work, as our lack of progress caused us to wake up in the middle of the night panicking about Ellers- sorry, the E WORD.

But still we worked.

And now we have a BETTER idea! We've got chaos literally ripping through the garden! It's exciting, we have ideas! We've even written a brief, made a sponsorship proposal and done some pretty nifty drawings.

We are ready to take on Ellerslie!

Although, we still have to show everything to Ian. Let's hope he likes it.

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